Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pinterest and the Outdoors Family

I know-- Pinterest has the reputation for being one of the things that keeps us from the outdoors-- and it is a temptation and a time waste that can result in too many lost hours looking at clothes, home decor and recipes that we will never cook, but when used properly, it can be helpful for planning activities with our kids that are much less wired in than sitting at a computer.

One of the greatest ways that I have used Pinterest has been through the discovery of nature journaling.  While this activity is one that I would do alone because my son is too young to do this much, although he will draw while we are outside.  It is a peaceful way to sit and absorb the natural world around as we take a break from hiking or merely sit in our backyard, and in my former far off life as a preschool teacher I was always amazed at what kids would notice and select to chronicle through their pictures, even at a young age.

Another great way to use Pinterest is to use specific search terms when you are looking for information on a topic or for a specific product.  For me, there is something about seeing the photos associated with each of the Pins and the comments of other readers about the pins. I love that the variety of topics being pinned is expanding in such a wonderful way.  I recently created an Outside board which is filled with ideas for experiencing the outdoors with your kids, and all of the pins contained in it have been found through simply searching for "outdoors kids" or other similar search terms.  One of my favorite items that is popping up is books that Noah can use to enhance his experience in nature.  I have also noticed a change in that if I am looking for an idea for my son or for a family project that I now turn to that site to look first, rather than wading through the countless results on Google.

Do you use Pinterest?  Be sure to look me up, and share your own ideas for engaging your kids outside.  It is only by sharing more ideas and then actually taking them from screen to the yard or trail that we can create a future healthier and happier generation of our kids.  


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