Friday, November 30, 2012

Nature Journaling with Your Kids

Nature journaling?  Why am I writing about nature journaling when my son cannot yet do the traditional form of journaling? Or maybe you are simply asking-- what is nature journaling?  It is simply the act of writing and sketching observations from the natural world around you.  It can be an action to stave off writer's block, or a way to practice your artistic talents on new subjects.  Recently it has become more popular as a way to encourage scientific observation and insight in children. 

Although my child cannot yet write in words what he sees, he can still observe the natural world around him and put these thoughts to paper. Typically on a hike we take along a small backpack that Noah can carry on his own, which has things like snacks, diapers/ underpants and more fun things like his binoculars (an old pair that are broken, but he doesn't care) and an old Babar pencil case and a small notebook.  After a walk or a visit to the nature center Noah will grab this and color his versions of what we have just seen and done.

A few of my favorite articles on nature journaling:

Simple Homemade's recent article.

The Sierra Club has a template for a nature journal, but it is not necessary to print something-- any notebook or paper that you have on hand is perfectly fine.  Their article that accompanies this pdf is worth a read, however, and compares the practice to the historical figure John Muir's practice of observing the natural world.

The Handbook of Nature Study has many wonderful resources for parents looking to introduce the natural world to their kids, and nature journaling is a big part of this.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Nature Adventures: Duluth in Winter

I have been writing to you with my thoughts on the importance of outdoor play for children of all ages, but maybe I have left something out.  You could read my posts here and wonder if I am spending all of my time online writing about being outside while I sit inside in my comfortable office chair not practicing what I preach.

Yes, it is something that I have to consciously decide when it is 8 degrees like today (it will soon be much colder here in MN) and when I am working to finish a project for a client or for grad school it is pretty hard to take a break and take a walk, but I deeply believe that taking those pauses to get outside and simply breathe will help me to be a better mom, student, worker as well as for the health of my child.

Recently, my family and I got the chance to take part in a wonderful example of how wonderful time spent in the outdoors can be, even in the winter months and after dark.  My husband and I for our 5th wedding anniversary decided to take a weekend away up in Duluth, MN which is one of our favorite getaways.  Since both of us grew up in SW Michigan, we are used to having the Great Lakes easily accessible, and although it is farther away, Duluth is our most convenient access to one of the Big Lakes.

Because Noah is a pretty important result of our marriage, and because he would love the event that we were heading to, we made it a family anniversary weekend.  The beauty of the waves, and the way that the city is perched almost ludicrously on the steep hills heading down to the frigid lake, these are all reasons why we love the city.  Another reason is because it is a place that seems to get it.  It would be pretty hard not to understand the importance of nature with it impacting such a large amount of your economy.

While we were there we took the opportunity to enjoy one of the quirky events that makes this town so wonderful-- The Bentlyville Tour of Lights.  While not strictly an activity geared toward nature (in fact, some animals were probably frightened away by the 157 foot LED laden Christmas Tree) but as one tours the lights it quickly becomes apparent that the event is working hard to make sure that people enjoy their time outdoors in the night air.

There are numerous free snacks, from popcorn to cookies and cocoa, but as one walks to the farthest point of the tour, they are met with warm fires blazing and complimentary marshmallows and sticks to roast your own treat.  This detail may seem small, but the act of adding in the extra sensory experiences of the smell of the fire and taste of the lightly browned sugary treat in the midst of the cold and light of the fire and decorations adds something wonderful to the experience.  The strategic placement of fires as well as the warming house nearby show a care and thought for the experience of families looking to spend time outside in the winter months that I really love. 
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cyber Monday for the Outdoor Family

Did you head back to work this week and take advantage of your break (shhh- we won't tell) to hunt online for a few fun outdoor items for the little kids, grown kids or grand-kids in your life?  Cyber Monday is the growing tradition of using time during the work day to look for items from your Christmas and holiday lists.

However, for those of us who are looking for outdoors items the idea of finding items quickly is an intimidating task.  Maybe you know that your daughter needs new hiking shoes, but are reluctant to give this item as a present because you are worried that it will be met with an eye roll, there are many quality options that will no doubt elicit a much more enthusiastic response.  I thought that I would share with you a few of the things that we are excited to get our son this year.  At 3 1/2 I feel like he is finally at an age where so many of these things will make sense to him conceptually, and where his muscle development will allow these to be used. 

One item that has been high on our wish list for this year is some kids snowshoes for my son. My husband and I got some a few winters before Noah came along, and we feel like he is finally old enough to have a pair of his own.  We're planning on also getting him a pair of gaiters to go with them, which will also hopefully ease the bane of my winter Mommie-life of every pair of pants soaking up the muddy winter slush up to mid-calf every day.  I am so excited to take him out on the trails and watch him stumble around with us.  We have also tried to pull him in a sled behind us, but this has met with mixed results as he wants to get out of it all of the time.

Another item that we can't wait to play with both inside and as we explore outside is a good pair of walkie talkies.  I adored these things when I was growing up (my dad was a firefighter so once in a while we got to use the really high quality ones and listen in to police chatter as well).  And yes, I know that soon enough he will be using cell phones, but there is something so fun about playing a game of "Come Find Me" in the woods with a radio to describe where you are hiding.  I'm not sure if these are exactly what we will be buying, but I have already pinpointed that we want ones that are strong, waterproof and that can be recharged easily.  There are already too many used AAs in my house that I need to take to be recycled.

For some reason my son is obsessed with learning to tell time (while pooping in the potty today was an entirely different story) and wants a watch of his own.  And, he insists that it be green.  He also wants a yellow belt, and I think that the combination will be quite a dapper sight.  :)  I, meanwhile have been looking for a green watch that is water resistant, which has ended up a surprisingly difficult task.  I was so happy to find a couple that look like they will hold up to the wear and tear of a little boy.

He is a funny little guy, my son.  He asked us recently for a snow plow for the front of his tricycle due to his fascination with trains with snowplows on the front of them, and after the recent first real snow falling.  It is also funny that we are realizing that this could be the first stretch of time that he remembers into his adult years and we are doing our best to make this foundation one of health and fun and love.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday and Outdoor Gifts

Black Friday morning, and in some cases Thanksgiving night will find many people fighting off their Turkey coma and heading out to the stores in search of a holiday deal that their kids will love.  Typically Black Friday sales take the shape of an electronic gadget or a plastic toy that will be oohed and ahhed over for a few minutes, mainly while seated or laying down, and then forgotten in a drawer.  Or even worse, the item requires additional purchases to make it work in the way that it is portrayed in a commercial, or to store the 1,000s of little pieces that come with it.  Only very rarely are these items a toy that will involve large motor play, or that will get kids outside and into the open air. 

I admit, we do have a house full of toys-- with my son being the only grandchild on my folks side and a portion of my husband's position in sales comprised with selling toys we do tend to accumulate more clutter than I would like.  However, we have made a conscious choice to limit Noah's toy consumption and to select toys that leave options for open ended play available for him.  Mommie and Dada also try to restrict purchasing items labelled with cartoon characters (a rule which we ourselves and many grandparents have broken.)

How do we as parents fight this?  It seems like every year the sale creeps earlier and earlier, and even now people are lined up to get I know not what at stores around my neighborhood.  As this holiday season begins I don't have an answer for you on how to handle your child's gift giving, but over the next few days I will be offering a few of the insights I have learned, as well as a few picks of my personal favorite possible Christmas presents for your kids that will encourage their imagination, as well as encourage them to participate in active play.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Top 5: Forgotten Supplies for a Hike with Your Kids

1. Food and Water:  Even if you think this hike will take only an hour or so and they just ate, kids can be as unpredictable as the weather.  You do not want to be stuck hunkered down waiting out a rainstorm or re-tracing the path toward the trail you missed and have a hungry or "so firsty" little guy or girl on your hands who is also exhausted from hiking, and consequently a bit more emotional than usual.

2. Plastic baggies:  Perfect for carrying new collections of pebbles from the ground or for carrying the wet clothes of a potty training oops (going potty on the toilet and going potty in a bush are two different things and sometimes that can make my own little one a bit nervous).

3. First Aid Kit:  This one is pretty self explanatory.  From blisters to splinters, all sorts of small boo-boos need regular attention on a hike with your kids.  Hurt feet from blisters or other maladies can quickly turn a fun day into a painful experience, which brings me to:

4. A Good Pair of Shoes: Because our grown-up feet are on our own body, we know the importance of good footwear, but it can be easy to forget that your little one's tootsies need pampering too. 

5. Baby Wipes:  Even with older kids there is always a job to be done for these handy little wipes.  Cleaning shoes or hands covered in mud, or simply wiping away sweat after a long day are just a couple of the uses of these little babies.

Stay tuned for other top 5 lists.  Did I forget anything on this one?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nature Talks with your Kids: Seasonal Change

So, what season is it exactly now?  Here in MN if you went by the weather, you could guess spring during a week of mid-50s and even 60 degree weather where kids are biking when they would usually be able to throw rocks into the early morning ice that has formed on ponds. Chronologically it is fall, but an iced tea sounds better to drink than hot cocoa.

Officially winter starts on December 21 and the Winter Solstice,but for much of the US the season has already seemed winter for far longer than that.  Snow will blanket the ground and with plans of Christmas a few days later, most kids would have a hard time calling December 20th Autumn.

This change of season is a wonderful opportunity to speak to your kids about the concept of seasonal change and the process of the earth turning from summer to autumn to winter and what they can notice in the natural world around them.

If you are talking a walk with your children there are certain obvious changes that you can see-- the leaves changing color and dropping to the ground and the air feeling cooler.  If you are playing in the park you can look at the flower beds that were once full of colorful blooms, but now are empty or full of withered stems. Another interesting change is the absence of bugs that your little ones were earlier able to catch and study.  To where have they disappeared?  One of my favorite finds has been the wonderful "My Weather Station" freebie from Mr. Printables.  This wonderful little weather station allows kids to track the daily weather in their area and is free to download, as is the site's other digital freebies, like their collection of Earth flashcards, that feature some weather and climate elements.

With older children, or for those smaller ones that love to talk (this might be all little ones) this idea can be taken a bit farther.  As parents and caregivers we can guide our children into further looking around to notice other differences.  Are the birds and other animals in your area behaving the same, and are these even the same animals that were here in the warmer months? The concept of migration is just one of many ideas that these talks can prompt.

So, when does Winter begin to you?  Is it a date, an event like the first snowfall?  Or is it tied to some personal life event?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pinterest and the Outdoors Family

I know-- Pinterest has the reputation for being one of the things that keeps us from the outdoors-- and it is a temptation and a time waste that can result in too many lost hours looking at clothes, home decor and recipes that we will never cook, but when used properly, it can be helpful for planning activities with our kids that are much less wired in than sitting at a computer.

One of the greatest ways that I have used Pinterest has been through the discovery of nature journaling.  While this activity is one that I would do alone because my son is too young to do this much, although he will draw while we are outside.  It is a peaceful way to sit and absorb the natural world around as we take a break from hiking or merely sit in our backyard, and in my former far off life as a preschool teacher I was always amazed at what kids would notice and select to chronicle through their pictures, even at a young age.

Another great way to use Pinterest is to use specific search terms when you are looking for information on a topic or for a specific product.  For me, there is something about seeing the photos associated with each of the Pins and the comments of other readers about the pins. I love that the variety of topics being pinned is expanding in such a wonderful way.  I recently created an Outside board which is filled with ideas for experiencing the outdoors with your kids, and all of the pins contained in it have been found through simply searching for "outdoors kids" or other similar search terms.  One of my favorite items that is popping up is books that Noah can use to enhance his experience in nature.  I have also noticed a change in that if I am looking for an idea for my son or for a family project that I now turn to that site to look first, rather than wading through the countless results on Google.

Do you use Pinterest?  Be sure to look me up, and share your own ideas for engaging your kids outside.  It is only by sharing more ideas and then actually taking them from screen to the yard or trail that we can create a future healthier and happier generation of our kids.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Loose Parts in the Small Back Yard

In communities like mine the housing trend of a larger home with a small back yard makes sense-- this is MN after all.  It doesn't make much sense to have a pool in every yard and sacrifice square footage, but I have sometimes found myself at a loss for yard ideas that incorporate natural, outside play into our fun in our tiny yard space. 

As in many townhome and condo communities, there are strict rules governing what may and may not be in the back yards, and things such as play sets and other kids toys are high on the list of prohibited items.  Also under scrutiny more than homes with high privacy fences are

One of the easiest ways to use natural materials in small backyard play is by integrating items that are already in use, such as landscape materials.  Some woodchips and wood products may have splinters, so it is best to stick with materials such as rocks and soft bedding materials. Rocks are great for counting, sorting, color differentiation, building and sharing. 

If your back yard is smaller, it may also be difficult to spare the space for a sandbox or other play storage.  One wonderful idea that I recently found was Prudent Baby's use of a holiday wreath plastic storage box as a small sandbox.  I love the thrifty price-- just $10, and the ability to move and store the box out of sight.  I have seen a similar thing done with an underbed storage box for the storage of toys and collections of natural materials on a deck or patio. The wheeled version can be easily slid under a table or even into a garage and taken out for quick natural play.

Even if you do not have trees aplenty or a large play structure in your yard, there are still ways that you can integrate balance and large muscle activities in free play.  In our back yard, the previous occupants had left several small boards, but this activity can be easily done using short sticks or even a line drawn on a patio with a soft chalky rock.  These small pieces of wood can be used for stacking, crossing a "moat," or simply practicing balancing.  Since these pieces are so much smaller and more mobile than a large playset, they offer more opportunities for creative play than playgrounds where play is scripted and less is left for your little ones fertile minds.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nature Exploration-- Playing with Sticks

In my previous post, which discussed Richard Louv's
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder I addressed the issue of finding ways to bring my son in contact with nature in a way that allows him to explore despite us currently living in a townhome community with a small backyard.  This week we visited a place that is a perfect illustration of the way that even for families who do not have a large backyard can enjoy time in the natural world with some freedom.

Nature center with my family- my son,
Inside the nature center with Noah.
Our community is known for its many parks and trails, and so we are lucky in this, and it seems that many families realize this because the number of townhome or single family homes with extremely small lots is amazing.  What is also soon apparent is the number of people who rely on the trails and parkland for their outdoor experiences, which can mean that there is a lack of privacy when you are enjoying them. 

However, the nearby 4,900 acre Elm Creek Park Reserve excels at providing plenty of outdoor room where there is no one in sight.  The land is parkland though, and the concept of "take only photos, leave only footprints" is in effect, and so the nature center has taken advantage of their available land to create a nature exploration area for kids, and kids at heart.

Just down the trail from the nature center, and near enough for potty breaks and a snack from the new snack bar, "Kids can dig, climb, make a fort or dam, and engage their imaginations, while adults play along or observe nearby." A relatively new trend in nature centers and exploration, many nature centers are offering areas where "Leave No Trace" is not in effect.  At our local spot, kids are encouraged to use sticks and leaves to build natural shelters, practice damming the nearby water runoff creek and to pretend through all sorts of nature play.
Nature exploration area at the nature center.

This area puts to use the concepts described by Louv, as well as Loose Parts Theory, as described here in one of my favorite child play blogs.  According to Jenny, the author, loose parts are "materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways. They are materials with no specific set of directions that can be used alone or combined with other materials."   Loose parts can include things like sticks, leaves or rocks, as well as any other number of natural and manufactured materials. In following posts I will describe a few ways in which we can put to use playing with loose parts in suburban communities like my own where freedom to fill up our yard with miscellaneous sticks and other natural play materials is lacking. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Books You Will Love: Last Child in the Woods

Well, hopefully.  I know that not everyone will love every book equally, but I am fairly certain that the first installment of this feature will be a winner. 
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder ,Richard Louv's new classic is the perfect introduction to the many reasons why children need to be exposed to nature on a regular basis, and why there is no substitute for hours spent in free play with natural materials. More and more of our playspaces in the United States are being paved over, fenced in, and overly organized, which while often done under the name of safety has eliminated many of the safe risks that we grew up with, and the chance to learn our own boundaries and abilities. Louv's book explores this issue, and does so without guilting parents and caregivers into action, rather he reminds them of their own childhood spent exploring and enjoying the world around them and the simple beauty of this, that for many of our children has been taken away in the name of safety.
This issue is of particular interest to me as a mom because we currently live in a townhome community that, while it has numerous trails, a nice sized back yard and parks nearby, it does not provide the free space that I long for for my son, and any time spent outside needs to be closely watched over as we can't fence in our yard. This books reminds me of the continued need to look for ways to let my son explore and have independent play, whether that is in our small back yard, or if it is in the space of the woods in one of our local park reserves. This issue is one that is central to my mothering and determines many of the events and activities that I encourage Noah to participate in, as well as those activities that I hold off on because they over-schedule his time and will not allow this badly needed freedom.
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Exploring the Outdoors with Your Kids

I grew up in an idyllic outdoor situation.  I spent the large part of my childhood years living on a lake in Michigan.  Our family home was on what had once been an island, but has now been joined to the mainland via a land bridge.  I spent my summers exploring, swimming, biking, tubing and climbing through the woods behind our house.  The sun and the water were perfect, until…

The horrible, aching cold of the snow of winter hit.  For me winters consisted of getting stuck trying to drive away from our home across the land bridge, falling through the ice into the frigid cold of the lake water and shoveling the snow from our rural driveway.  I dreamed of moving to a warmer locale where I could swim year round and hike with ease in January.

Fast forward to approximately 5 years ago, as I anxiously await a text from my husband regarding the news about his promotion that we knew was imminent after a meeting with his boss.  Where would we be moved to?  I prayed it was someplace warm, perhaps his company offices in Atlanta, or Virginia Beach, or Florida.  Then it comes—Minneapolis.  We were moving to a city with roughly the same climate as Moscow.  Perfect.  

We arrived around the first snowfall and I assumed that we would be hunkered down inside until the spring thaw, but then, we began to notice something amazing.  These crazy Minnesotans actually seemed to enjoy themselves outside, despite the sub-zero temps.  With tentative feet we began to make our way outside and also began to explore and eventually enjoy being outside, even on the coldest of days.  

When our son came along, we knew that we wanted to continue to enjoy the gorgeous outdoors that Minnesota had to offer, but with our growth into a family came new challenges of dressing, preparing and equipping ourselves for our time outside as a little one.  Questions like how to store or dispose of a diaper out in the woods on a hike were something we had never encountered before.  

Outdoors Family will explore these unique challenges as well as the joys of sharing experiences year round with your children in the great outdoors, and way to bring the outdoors inside for those times that you cannot go outside for safety reasons.  Follow us on our grand adventure and please share with us your own tips and tricks for safe and fun times outside.
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