Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cyber Monday for the Outdoor Family

Did you head back to work this week and take advantage of your break (shhh- we won't tell) to hunt online for a few fun outdoor items for the little kids, grown kids or grand-kids in your life?  Cyber Monday is the growing tradition of using time during the work day to look for items from your Christmas and holiday lists.

However, for those of us who are looking for outdoors items the idea of finding items quickly is an intimidating task.  Maybe you know that your daughter needs new hiking shoes, but are reluctant to give this item as a present because you are worried that it will be met with an eye roll, there are many quality options that will no doubt elicit a much more enthusiastic response.  I thought that I would share with you a few of the things that we are excited to get our son this year.  At 3 1/2 I feel like he is finally at an age where so many of these things will make sense to him conceptually, and where his muscle development will allow these to be used. 

One item that has been high on our wish list for this year is some kids snowshoes for my son. My husband and I got some a few winters before Noah came along, and we feel like he is finally old enough to have a pair of his own.  We're planning on also getting him a pair of gaiters to go with them, which will also hopefully ease the bane of my winter Mommie-life of every pair of pants soaking up the muddy winter slush up to mid-calf every day.  I am so excited to take him out on the trails and watch him stumble around with us.  We have also tried to pull him in a sled behind us, but this has met with mixed results as he wants to get out of it all of the time.

Another item that we can't wait to play with both inside and as we explore outside is a good pair of walkie talkies.  I adored these things when I was growing up (my dad was a firefighter so once in a while we got to use the really high quality ones and listen in to police chatter as well).  And yes, I know that soon enough he will be using cell phones, but there is something so fun about playing a game of "Come Find Me" in the woods with a radio to describe where you are hiding.  I'm not sure if these are exactly what we will be buying, but I have already pinpointed that we want ones that are strong, waterproof and that can be recharged easily.  There are already too many used AAs in my house that I need to take to be recycled.

For some reason my son is obsessed with learning to tell time (while pooping in the potty today was an entirely different story) and wants a watch of his own.  And, he insists that it be green.  He also wants a yellow belt, and I think that the combination will be quite a dapper sight.  :)  I, meanwhile have been looking for a green watch that is water resistant, which has ended up a surprisingly difficult task.  I was so happy to find a couple that look like they will hold up to the wear and tear of a little boy.

He is a funny little guy, my son.  He asked us recently for a snow plow for the front of his tricycle due to his fascination with trains with snowplows on the front of them, and after the recent first real snow falling.  It is also funny that we are realizing that this could be the first stretch of time that he remembers into his adult years and we are doing our best to make this foundation one of health and fun and love.


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